Vision Statement




Value the individual… Teach and establish good ethics… Teach how to: see, analyze, feel/touch, think/reason, hear, execute… Free up creativity… Act with integrity… Serve the student… Take initiative… Foster partnership and cooperation… Be accountable… Improve and innovate continuously… Deliver value… Acknowledge all stakeholders… Establish satellite programs… Build community through listening… Teach with a well-paced process… Balance patience and expectation… Allow inner belief and confidence to grow and flourish… Foster openness, intrigue, and companionship… Establish CVMI as a global leader in instrument making education… Be tireless, inclusive, insightful, and transparent… Partner with high performance organizations… Set the example for excellence… Be a Community Leader… Establish open and trusting relationships with students… Procure the best from CVMI students… Balance information with need and ability… Develop experience through action… Offer a diverse learning environment and style… Nurture the development of freedom in solution seeking and problem solving… Develop future mentors… Develop effectiveness and efficiency.